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Goddess Arena 2.9
A long time ago, Goddesses created a magical world called Ellan,where all races lived together and had a peaceful life until oneday the devil invaded the area. In order to protect their homelandtheir only choice was to fight back.Goddess Arena is a strategy card battle game that lets you battlewith evil forces in many adventures or against real players forleaderboard supremacy. Experience different strategicaction-card-battle gameplay, collect your heroines and lead them tovictory in the turn-based battle arena! Quests & adventures tofight against evil and free the world of Ellan!==Features==* Build Your Deck - Collect 200+ Goddesses!* Deck Strategy - Build the ultimate deck using a mix of card typesand abilities!* Deck Development - Become more powerful and level up by gainingexperience!* Intense Battles - Summon your heroines and lead them to crushyour enemies!* Quests & Adventures - Fight against evil and free the worldof Ellan!* PVP Combat - Battle other players online to top the leaderboardsand win spectacular prizes!* Rich Gameplay - Rankings, Point Awards, Tournaments, MazeExploration, Devils' Invasion and Devils' Conterattack==============================Facebook Page: [email protected]
極樂尊-絕愛之城 3.41
極樂尊是一款以東方神話故事為背景結合幻想西方元素的大型武俠ARPG手機遊戲,極致而又暢快的PK操作方式,重燃萬人城戰的激情!要戰便戰,戰個痛快!江山美人,號令天下,唯武獨尊!還等什麼?來戰鬥吧!「一起戰鬥的理由」● 加官進爵 – 受封官銜,獲得官印,領取俸祿!更高官銜,更多俸祿,更強屬性!● 聲名遠揚 – 激活霸氣護體,獲得成就令牌,更高成就點數,更強稱號!● 絢麗裝備 – 大型強化系統,令裝備光環盡顯!更強裝備,更高戰力,誰與爭鋒!● 無敵坐騎 – 獅、虎、豹、狼、豺、罵,屬性加成!霸氣十足!跑圖利器!● 攻城略地 – 千人攻城,千人防守。同屏城戰,喚醒久違的熱血記憶!「遊戲背景」久遠的荒蠻年代,那個時期教皇便已經在大陸建立奴瑪教派,教皇不知得到何種強大技能,竟然走出了被紅魔教主詛咒的奴瑪寺廟,對臨近的精靈王國發動滅世天災,精靈王國一夜覆滅亡國,精靈族在大陸絕跡,風語森林也瞬間衍變成無邊荒漠——沙漠土城。教皇覆亡精靈王國後,便一直潛伏在奴瑪寺廟中沉睡。不安分的山地矮人族打著為了大陸和平和為盟友報仇的幌子,攜帶精良武器裝備與教皇教眾決戰於雪域,企圖染指雪域和奴瑪寺廟。戰爭繼續擴大,奴瑪教眾得到黑龍教主的黑龍部支援,士氣大振。但矮人戰士民風彪悍,悍不畏死。經過數晝夜的廝殺,雙方死傷無數,最終戰士們取得了最後的勝利。為防止教皇捲土重來,矮人族長把開天神器“龍皇離火劍*無極”留在前線做鎮城之寶,並把沙城改名為孤月島,以孤月島作為抗擊奴瑪教的防線。矮人族奪取雪域後,亦把雪域改為榮耀王城,並在沙漠土城中繁衍生息。萬年歲月彈指而逝,在矮人族和魔族戰火洗禮的弱小人族憑藉智慧逐漸銳變。他們從矮人那裡學到了強大的武技,從魔族那裡學會了高超的魔法,而一部分人族道士在一代代的鑽研中形成了道術一脈,人族道士的崛起,已經註定這個弱小種族走向強大的道路。矮人族沒落,魔族式微,趁此良機人族迅速崛起,攻克沙城。人族強者得到神器“龍皇離火劍”,西拒矮人族,東抗魔族,為人族爭得一席生存之地。後不久,虫族聯合豬妖族徹底摧毀泰坦城,殘餘矮人族只好退回西蘭高山,意圖東山再起。人族在戰、法、道三位首領的率領下,擊潰虫族和魔族的聯盟大軍,入駐落日峽谷。幾經戰火洗禮的城池如今只剩下斷壁殘垣,人族只好放棄落日峽谷回到富饒的王城。但為了王城的安危和抗魔需要,三聖神合議把銀杏山谷併入帝國版圖,改名為“白雲觀”。奴瑪歷793年,黑暗魔族從沉寂中逐漸甦醒,把黑手伸向附近的山間村落……人類世界頻繁出現異變,王國軍隊疲於應對。而在遙遠的沙漠土城,那個讓所有種族為之顫栗的奴瑪教皇緩緩睜開血紅的眼睛,貪婪的看向這片富饒的大陸。魔族在悄然中崛起,家畜動物甚至一些偏遠種族都逐漸受到魔氣的侵蝕,紛紛魔化而發生變異,到處襲擊人類城市和村落,新的戰爭拉開序幕。外患未清,人類內部卻依舊在勾心鬥角,爭權奪勢,王城雖然是人類世界的政治和商業中心,但伏魔之戰中土城城主功高震主,隱隱有自成一國的勢頭。奴瑪教皇利用他對權利的執著,暗中控制了這位傳奇城主,使之成為魔族在人間的爪牙。人皇為牽制土城勢力而昭告天下:沙城乃兵家要地,抗魔前線,欲從天下奇能異士中選取一位大賢者,坐鎮沙城,並以“破天遊龍刀*無級”神器為鎮城之寶相贈。昭示一出,天下震驚,各路雄豪齊聚沙城,欲奪城主之位,獨握屠龍,睥睨天下。「聯繫我們」我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題, 請及時與我們聯繫!客服信箱:[email protected]粉絲團:極樂尊-Community/566884710096989?ref_type=bookmarkBliss is a statueoriental mythology as the background of the large combines elementsof fantasy martial arts western ARPG mobile games, but the ultimatecarefree PK mode of operation, to rekindle the passion people citywar! To fight will fight, fight enjoyment! Empress and theWarriors, orders the world, the only weapons Domination! What areyou waiting for? To fight it!"Reason to fight together."● JiaGuanJinJue - a glimpse of titles, obtain the seal, to receivesalary! Higher rank, more salary, more property!● notorious - activate domineering body care, tokens ofachievement, achievement points higher, stronger title!● brilliant equipment - Large strengthen the system, so that theequipment aura filling! More equipment, more combat power,rival!● invincible horse - lions, tigers, leopards, wolves, jackals,cursing, bonuses! Overbearing! Figure ran weapon!● lose ground - thousands of siege, thousands of defense. Samescreen urban warfare, wake returning blood memories!"Game Background"Wild and distant era pope during that period would have beenestablished on the mainland slaves sect Mary Pope do not know whatto get stronger skills, even out of the curse of slavery was theRed Devils leader Ma Temple, near the fairy kingdom to launchDestroyer natural disasters, fairy kingdom overnight collapse ofsubjugation, elves extinct on the mainland, the wind languageboundless forests have evolved into an instant desert - DesertTucheng.    After the fall of the elven kingdom Pope,he has been sleeping in slave lurking Ma temple. Restless mountaindwarves name of revenge for peace and for the allies under theguise of the continent, carrying sophisticated weaponry and battlein the snowy Pope congregation attempt to meddle in the snow andslaves Ma Temple. War continues to expand, the slave leader Marycongregation get Black Dragon Black Dragon ministry support morale.But dwarf warrior sturdy folk, defended not afraid of dying. Afterseveral days and nights of fighting, numerous casualties on bothsides, the soldiers finally achieved the final victory.    To prevent the pope comeback, patriarch ofthe open dwarf god "on fire from the Dragon King Sword * Promise"to do to stay in front of the town treasure city and renamed theshacheng solitary island to fight alone on the island as slavesMary taught defense. After seizing the snow dwarves also changedthe glory of the snow King City, and thrive in the desert inTucheng.    Years years fillip dies, dwarves and theinferno of war in the baptism of the weak Terran sharp changegradually with wisdom. Them from dwarves learned a powerful martialart, from the inferno learned to superb magic, and part of thehuman family priest in generations to study the formation of Taoisma pulse, the rise of the human family priest, has doomed the weakerraces toward powerful the way.    Dwarves decline, the decline of theinferno, take this opportunity Terran rapid rise, conquer shacheng.Terran get strong artifact "from the fire Dragon King Sword", theWest refused to dwarves, East anti inferno, and his family to win aseat to survival. Shortly after the United pig Beastkin Zerg citycompletely destroyed the Titans, the residual hobbits had returnedZealand alpine intention to make a comeback.    Terran In war, France, said the threeleaders, led by Union troops defeated the Zerg and inferno, settledsunset canyon. After a baptism of fire in the city today onlyruins, one family had to give back the fertile Sunset Canyon KingCity.    However, the need for safety and KangmoKing City, the three ginkgo Valley Spirit collegiate incorporatedinto the empire, renamed as "White Cloud Temple."    Ma Li 793 years of slavery, the darkinferno gradually awakening from silence, the black hands towardthe mountain village near ......Frequently occurring mutation of the human world, the Kingdom ofthe military struggling to cope. And in the distant desert Tucheng,one that makes all races trembling slaves whom Mary Pope slowlyopened his eyes blood red, greedy look to this rich continent. Therise inferno in quietly, livestock animals and even some remoteraces are gradually being eroded magic gas, have mutated Fel andeverywhere attack human cities and villages, a new war began.    Foreign aggression is not clear, but stillin the human internal intrigue, maneuver for position, King City,although the human world political and commercial center, but thebattle of Demon lord Gonggaozhenzhu Pais, faint momentum of aseparate country. Mary Pope slaves the right to use his dedicationto secretly control the legendary Santo, making it the world'sinferno minions.    Tucheng forces to contain the emperor andtold the world: shacheng is standard to land, Kangmo front, I wantto select a great sage can vary from person singular in the world,sits shacheng, and "Happening CUT knife * stepless" Artifact citytreasure for the town with gifts.Clear out, shocked the world, and the brightest valiant gatheredshacheng bit Yuduo Santo, the sole grip Dragon, the worldturned."Contact us"We are very happy to help you resolve any problems encountered inthe game, please do not hesitate to contact us!Customer Service: [email protected] fan group: Bliss respect-Community/566884710096989 ref_type = bookmark?
極樂尊 3.41
極樂尊是一款以東方神話故事為背景結合幻想西方元素的大型武俠ARPG手機遊戲,極致而又暢快的PK操作方式,重燃萬人城戰的激情!要戰便戰,戰個痛快!江山美人,號令天下,唯武獨尊!還等什麼?來戰鬥吧!「一起戰鬥的理由」● 加官進爵 – 受封官銜,獲得官印,領取俸祿!更高官銜,更多俸祿,更強屬性!● 聲名遠揚 – 激活霸氣護體,獲得成就令牌,更高成就點數,更強稱號!● 絢麗裝備 – 大型強化系統,令裝備光環盡顯!更強裝備,更高戰力,誰與爭鋒!● 無敵坐騎 – 獅、虎、豹、狼、豺、罵,屬性加成!霸氣十足!跑圖利器!● 攻城略地 – 千人攻城,千人防守。同屏城戰,喚醒久違的熱血記憶!「遊戲背景」久遠的荒蠻年代,那個時期教皇便已經在大陸建立奴瑪教派,教皇不知得到何種強大技能,竟然走出了被紅魔教主詛咒的奴瑪寺廟,對臨近的精靈王國發動滅世天災,精靈王國一夜覆滅亡國,精靈族在大陸絕跡,風語森林也瞬間衍變成無邊荒漠——沙漠土城。教皇覆亡精靈王國後,便一直潛伏在奴瑪寺廟中沉睡。不安分的山地矮人族打著為了大陸和平和為盟友報仇的幌子,攜帶精良武器裝備與教皇教眾決戰於雪域,企圖染指雪域和奴瑪寺廟。戰爭繼續擴大,奴瑪教眾得到黑龍教主的黑龍部支援,士氣大振。但矮人戰士民風彪悍,悍不畏死。經過數晝夜的廝殺,雙方死傷無數,最終戰士們取得了最後的勝利。為防止教皇捲土重來,矮人族長把開天神器“龍皇離火劍*無極”留在前線做鎮城之寶,並把沙城改名為孤月島,以孤月島作為抗擊奴瑪教的防線。矮人族奪取雪域後,亦把雪域改為榮耀王城,並在沙漠土城中繁衍生息。萬年歲月彈指而逝,在矮人族和魔族戰火洗禮的弱小人族憑藉智慧逐漸銳變。他們從矮人那裡學到了強大的武技,從魔族那裡學會了高超的魔法,而一部分人族道士在一代代的鑽研中形成了道術一脈,人族道士的崛起,已經註定這個弱小種族走向強大的道路。矮人族沒落,魔族式微,趁此良機人族迅速崛起,攻克沙城。人族強者得到神器“龍皇離火劍”,西拒矮人族,東抗魔族,為人族爭得一席生存之地。後不久,虫族聯合豬妖族徹底摧毀泰坦城,殘餘矮人族只好退回西蘭高山,意圖東山再起。人族在戰、法、道三位首領的率領下,擊潰虫族和魔族的聯盟大軍,入駐落日峽谷。幾經戰火洗禮的城池如今只剩下斷壁殘垣,人族只好放棄落日峽谷回到富饒的王城。但為了王城的安危和抗魔需要,三聖神合議把銀杏山谷併入帝國版圖,改名為“白雲觀”。奴瑪歷793年,黑暗魔族從沉寂中逐漸甦醒,把黑手伸向附近的山間村落……人類世界頻繁出現異變,王國軍隊疲於應對。而在遙遠的沙漠土城,那個讓所有種族為之顫栗的奴瑪教皇緩緩睜開血紅的眼睛,貪婪的看向這片富饒的大陸。魔族在悄然中崛起,家畜動物甚至一些偏遠種族都逐漸受到魔氣的侵蝕,紛紛魔化而發生變異,到處襲擊人類城市和村落,新的戰爭拉開序幕。外患未清,人類內部卻依舊在勾心鬥角,爭權奪勢,王城雖然是人類世界的政治和商業中心,但伏魔之戰中土城城主功高震主,隱隱有自成一國的勢頭。奴瑪教皇利用他對權利的執著,暗中控制了這位傳奇城主,使之成為魔族在人間的爪牙。人皇為牽制土城勢力而昭告天下:沙城乃兵家要地,抗魔前線,欲從天下奇能異士中選取一位大賢者,坐鎮沙城,並以“破天遊龍刀*無級”神器為鎮城之寶相贈。昭示一出,天下震驚,各路雄豪齊聚沙城,欲奪城主之位,獨握屠龍,睥睨天下。「聯繫我們」我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題, 請及時與我們聯繫!客服信箱:[email protected]粉絲團:極樂尊-Community/566884710096989?ref_type=bookmarkBliss is a statueoriental mythology as the background of the large combines elementsof fantasy martial arts western ARPG mobile games, but the ultimatecarefree PK mode of operation, to rekindle the passion people citywar! To fight will fight, fight enjoyment! Empress and theWarriors, orders the world, the only weapons Domination! What areyou waiting for? To fight it!"Reason to fight together."● JiaGuanJinJue - a glimpse of titles, obtain the seal, to receivesalary! Higher rank, more salary, more property!● notorious - activate domineering body care, tokens ofachievement, achievement points higher, stronger title!● brilliant equipment - Large strengthen the system, so that theequipment aura filling! More equipment, more combat power,rival!● invincible horse - lions, tigers, leopards, wolves, jackals,cursing, bonuses! Overbearing! Figure ran weapon!● lose ground - thousands of siege, thousands of defense. Samescreen urban warfare, wake returning blood memories!"Game Background"Wild and distant era pope during that period would have beenestablished on the mainland slaves sect Mary Pope do not know whatto get stronger skills, even out of the curse of slavery was theRed Devils leader Ma Temple, near the fairy kingdom to launchDestroyer natural disasters, fairy kingdom overnight collapse ofsubjugation, elves extinct on the mainland, the wind languageboundless forests have evolved into an instant desert - DesertTucheng.    After the fall of the elven kingdom Pope,he has been sleeping in slave lurking Ma temple. Restless mountaindwarves name of revenge for peace and for the allies under theguise of the continent, carrying sophisticated weaponry and battlein the snowy Pope congregation attempt to meddle in the snow andslaves Ma Temple. War continues to expand, the slave leader Marycongregation get Black Dragon Black Dragon ministry support morale.But dwarf warrior sturdy folk, defended not afraid of dying. Afterseveral days and nights of fighting, numerous casualties on bothsides, the soldiers finally achieved the final victory.    To prevent the pope comeback, patriarch ofthe open dwarf god "on fire from the Dragon King Sword * Promise"to do to stay in front of the town treasure city and renamed theshacheng solitary island to fight alone on the island as slavesMary taught defense. After seizing the snow dwarves also changedthe glory of the snow King City, and thrive in the desert inTucheng.    Years years fillip dies, dwarves and theinferno of war in the baptism of the weak Terran sharp changegradually with wisdom. Them from dwarves learned a powerful martialart, from the inferno learned to superb magic, and part of thehuman family priest in generations to study the formation of Taoisma pulse, the rise of the human family priest, has doomed the weakerraces toward powerful the way.    Dwarves decline, the decline of theinferno, take this opportunity Terran rapid rise, conquer shacheng.Terran get strong artifact "from the fire Dragon King Sword", theWest refused to dwarves, East anti inferno, and his family to win aseat to survival. Shortly after the United pig Beastkin Zerg citycompletely destroyed the Titans, the residual hobbits had returnedZealand alpine intention to make a comeback.    Terran In war, France, said the threeleaders, led by Union troops defeated the Zerg and inferno, settledsunset canyon. After a baptism of fire in the city today onlyruins, one family had to give back the fertile Sunset Canyon KingCity.    However, the need for safety and KangmoKing City, the three ginkgo Valley Spirit collegiate incorporatedinto the empire, renamed as "White Cloud Temple."    Ma Li 793 years of slavery, the darkinferno gradually awakening from silence, the black hands towardthe mountain village near ......Frequently occurring mutation of the human world, the Kingdom ofthe military struggling to cope. And in the distant desert Tucheng,one that makes all races trembling slaves whom Mary Pope slowlyopened his eyes blood red, greedy look to this rich continent. Therise inferno in quietly, livestock animals and even some remoteraces are gradually being eroded magic gas, have mutated Fel andeverywhere attack human cities and villages, a new war began.    Foreign aggression is not clear, but stillin the human internal intrigue, maneuver for position, King City,although the human world political and commercial center, but thebattle of Demon lord Gonggaozhenzhu Pais, faint momentum of aseparate country. Mary Pope slaves the right to use his dedicationto secretly control the legendary Santo, making it the world'sinferno minions.    Tucheng forces to contain the emperor andtold the world: shacheng is standard to land, Kangmo front, I wantto select a great sage can vary from person singular in the world,sits shacheng, and "Happening CUT knife * stepless" Artifact citytreasure for the town with gifts.Clear out, shocked the world, and the brightest valiant gatheredshacheng bit Yuduo Santo, the sole grip Dragon, the worldturned."Contact us"We are very happy to help you resolve any problems encountered inthe game, please do not hesitate to contact us!Customer Service: [email protected] fan group: Bliss respect-Community/566884710096989 ref_type = bookmark?